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Substantial experience conducting field and lab work, including internationally, on multiple wildlife and botanical studies in rugged terrain and remote environments including desert, rainforest, wetland habitats, and temperate forest, as well as successfully developed and executed a study for Master’s degree completion. Additional experience overseeing and conducting carnivore cognitive studies at a zoological facility.
Extensive experience working with and handling large carnivorous mammals at multiple zoological facilities. Additional experience working internationally performing camera-trapping, scat sample collection, and scat sample analysis of felids.

Extensive background in teaching high school and undergraduate students in field and lab settings as a fellow, student teacher, and professor’s assistant on various scientific topics, including water quality testing, basic ecology, environmental conservation, and biogeography.
The biogeography course I taught was a precursor to a study abroad course in Australia!
Worked for nearly two years as an Environmental Specialist for a locality in Virginia, gaining real-world experience working as a scientist in the public sector.
Selected Accomplishments: Services
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